Tuesday, October 28, 2008

1000 KB = 1MB ( KB = Kilo Bytes, MB = Mega Bytes )
1000 MB = 1GB ( GB = Giga Bytes)

CPU (Central Processing Unit - Also called a microprocessor or processor. The heart and brain of the computer which receives data input, processes information and executes instructions.
hard drive - The main secondary storage device of a PC; a small case that contains magnetic coated platters that rotate at high speed.
hardware - The physical components that constitute the computer system such as the monitor, the keyboard, the motherboard and the printer.
keyboard - A common input device through which data and instructions may be typed into computer memory.
LAN (Local Area Network) - A computer network that covers only a small area usually within one building.
megahertz (MHz) - One million Hz or one million cycles per second.

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